Pickle Salad



2 cups of cabbage (chopped and disinfected)

5 pickles from Calderon Produce, Inc. (chipped and disinfected)

2 onion slices

1 spoon of olive oil

1 spoon of apple vinegar

Salt and pepper to your liking

In a big bowl mix all of the ingredients above very well. The salad is equivalent to 4 portions


Recipe by Martha Calderon, President of Calderon Produce, Inc.


Ensalada de Pepino


2 tazas de col (picada y desinfectada)

5 pepinos del cultivo de Calderon Produce, Inc. (picada y desinfectada)

2 rebanadas de cebolla

1 cucharada de aceite de oliva

1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana

Sal y pimienta al gusto


En un refractario grande mezclar bien todos los ingredientes. La ensalada rinde para 4 porciones


Receta de Martha Calderon, Presidente de Calderon Produce, Inc.

Delicious Spicy Salsa



              2 Large Tomatoes from Calderon Produce, Inc.

              3 Jalapeño Peppers from Calderon Produce, Inc.

              1 Small garlic



Wash the products throughfully and then boil them in a small pot for about 10 minutes.

Once they are cooked, you put them all in the blender with a little bit of garlic and water.

Once they are blended the sauce will be ready!


Recipe by Martha Calderon, President of Calderon Produce, Inc.



              2 Tomates grandes de Calderon Produce, Inc.

              3 Chiles jalaeños de Calderon Produce, Inc.

              1 cachito de ajo



Lavar las verduras bastante bien y después echarlas a hervir en una olla pequeña por alrededor de 10 minutos.

Una vez cocinados, se ponen todos en la licuadora con un poquito de ajo y agua.

Una vez licuado , la salsa estará lista


Receta hecha por Martha Calderon, Presidente de Calderon Produce, Inc. 

Poblano Spaghetti Plate


              Your favorite Spaghetti or Fettuccini brand

              Sour Cream (To your liking)

              Cilantro  (To your liking)

              A glass of Milk


              Sal  (To your liking)

              Knorr Suiza (To your liking)

              4 Poblano Peppers from Calderon Produce, Inc.

              1 Jalapeño Pepper from Calderon Produce, Inc.



Put the spaghetti in boiling water , then add oil and salt to your liking. Wait until it is cooked.

Once the spaghetti is cooked, drain it

While the spaghetti is getting prepared, cook the Poblano Peppers from Calderon Produce, Inc. until they are “toasted”. Once this is done, put the Poblano Peppers in a sealed plastic bag and let them “sweat” for about ten minutes. Then peel all the burnt parts from the Poblano Peppers

Blend the Poblano Peppers with the cilantro and the glass of milk. Cook the blend for about 5 or 6 minutes and then add to the spaghetti.

Finally add Knorr Suiza and Salt to your liking.


Recipe by Martha Calderon, President of Calderon Produce, Inc.



Plato de Spaghetti Poblano


              Tu marca favorita de Spaghetti o Fettuccini

              Crema al gusto

 Cilantro al gusto

              Un vaso de leche


              Sal al gusto

              Knorr Suiza al gusto

              4 Chiles Poblanos de Calderon Produce, Inc.

              1 Chile Jalapeño de Calderon Produce, Inc.



Poner el spaghetti a hervir en agua, se le agrega aceita y sal al gusto. Esperar hasta que esté cocinado

Una vez que el spaghetti esté cocinado, escurrirlo

Mientras el spaghetti está siendo preparado, cocinar los Chiles Poblanos de Calderon Produce, Inc. hasta que estén “doraditos”. Una vez que esto se haya hecho, poner los chiles en una bolsa de plástico sellada y dejarlos “sudar” por alrededor de diez minutos. De ahí se descarapelo las partes quemadas de los chiles poblanos.

Licuar los chiles poblanos con el cilantro y el vaso de leche. Cocinar la mezcla por 5 o 6 minutos y luego agregarlo al spaghetti.

Finalmente agregar Knorr Suiza y Sal al gusto



Receta hecha por la señora Martha Calderon, Presidente de Calderon Produce, Inc. 

Spicy Sauce


             15 Tomatoes from our farm                             

            Chile de Arbol peppers , the amount will depend in how spicy you want the salsa  

            ½ glass of Water

            A little bit of Salt

            Garlic to your liking

            Cilantro Leaves to your liking 


Add Salt to the water and heat it for three minutes

Add all the tomatoes, the peppers, the garlic, the cilantro and the boiled water to the blender.

Blend everything for 2 minutes


Recipe by Martha Calderon, President of Calderon Produce


Spanish Version:



            15 Tomates de nuestra granja (Insert Hyperlink)

Un puñito de chiles de Árbol, la cantidad dependerá en que tan picante usted quiera la salsa

            ½ vaso de agua

            Un poco de Sal

            Ajo al gusto

            Cilantro al gusto



Agregar Sal al agua y dejarla hirviendo por tres minutos

Agregar todos los tomates, los chiles, el ajo, el cilantro y echar el agua hervida a la licuadora

Licuar todo por 2 minutos


Y ¡Listo!

Receta de la Señora Calderon , Presidente de Calderon Produce, Inc.





Homemade Tomato Soup


1 (14-ounce) can chopped tomatoes

3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 stalk celery, diced

1 small carrot, diced

1 yellow onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup chicken broth

1 bay leaf

2 tablespoons butter

1/4 cup chopped fresh basil leaves

1/2 cup heavy cream, optional



Watch how to make this recipe

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.


Strain the chopped canned tomatoes, reserving the juices, and spread onto a baking sheet, season with salt and pepper, to taste, drizzle with 1/4 cup of the olive oil and roast until caramelized, about 15 minutes.


Meanwhile, in a saucepan, heat remaining olive oil over medium-low heat. Add the celery, carrot, onion and garlic, cook until softened, about 10 minutes. Add the roasted chopped canned tomatoes, reserved tomato juices, chicken broth, bay leaf and butter. Simmer until vegetables are very tender, about 15 to 20 minutes. Add basil and cream, if using. Puree with a hand held immersion blender until smooth.


Recipe courtesy of Michael Chiarello




Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/michael-chiarello/homemade-tomato-soup-recipe.html?oc=linkback

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