Pickle Salad



2 cups of cabbage (chopped and disinfected)

5 pickles from Calderon Produce, Inc. (chipped and disinfected)

2 onion slices

1 spoon of olive oil

1 spoon of apple vinegar

Salt and pepper to your liking

In a big bowl mix all of the ingredients above very well. The salad is equivalent to 4 portions


Recipe by Martha Calderon, President of Calderon Produce, Inc.


Ensalada de Pepino


2 tazas de col (picada y desinfectada)

5 pepinos del cultivo de Calderon Produce, Inc. (picada y desinfectada)

2 rebanadas de cebolla

1 cucharada de aceite de oliva

1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana

Sal y pimienta al gusto


En un refractario grande mezclar bien todos los ingredientes. La ensalada rinde para 4 porciones


Receta de Martha Calderon, Presidente de Calderon Produce, Inc.

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